E-Bike & Bicycle Guide
Here you can find out everything you need to know about e-bikes and bicycles
Here you can find out everything you need to know about e-bikes and bicycles
E-bikes, also known as electric bicycles, have gained impressive popularity in recent years as they offer an environmentally friendly yet efficient way to get around.
Whether you are already an enthusiastic e-biker or are just about to delve into the fascinating world of electric bikes, here you will find a valuable collection of guides on various e-bikes.
From city e-bikes for daily commuting to powerful e-mountain bikes for adventurous off-road routes - our list covers a wide range of e-bikes to help you choose the right model. Find out more in our guides, e.g. the e-bike test , the folding bike test or in the individual articles from our blog.
Further guides:
Immer mehr Menschen steigen vom Auto aufs Fahrrad um – und das nicht nur in der Freizeit. Das sogenannte Dienstrad hat sich in den letzten Jahren als attraktive Alternative zum klassischen Firmenwagen etabliert. Insbesondere E-Bikes stehen bei Arbeitnehmern und Arbeitgebern hoch im Kurs. Warum? Sie sind nicht nur nachhaltig, sondern oft auch kostengünstiger und gesünder.
In recent years, a surprising trend has taken over the streets and beaches of the Netherlands: the fat bike. The wide-tired bikes, originally designed for sandy deserts or snowy landscapes, are now a common sight in one of the most bike-friendly countries in the world. But what is behind this boom, and why is the fat bike such a good fit for Holland?
Foldable bikes are experiencing a real boom - and for good reason. Whether for the way to work, traveling or simply for spontaneous excursions: these small but clever bikes have a lot to offer. But as with any purchase, it is worth weighing up the pros and cons.
Wir haben aufregende Neuigkeiten: MYVELO ist jetzt offizieller Brandpartner des Global Cycling Network (GCN)! Diese Partnerschaft markiert einen bedeutenden Schritt für uns und die MYVELO-Community, und wir könnten nicht stolzer sein, Teil einer der weltweit größten Plattform für Radsport-Enthusiasten zu...
Der Silk Road Mountain Race (SRMR) ist ein Radrennen, das kein gewöhnlicher Wettkampf ist – es ist ein ultimativer Test für Ausdauer, Willenskraft und Abenteuerlust. Mitten in der atemberaubenden Wildnis Kirgistans führt dieses Self-Supported-Ultracycling-Rennen durch endlose Berge, über raue Pässe und durch entlegene Täler. Doch was macht den SRMR so besonders, und warum zieht er Abenteurer aus der ganzen Welt an?
Hey mountain bike enthusiasts! Are you looking for the best trails in Germany that will make your heart beat faster? Whether you love flow lines, want to prove yourself in technically demanding sections or simply want to enjoy breathtaking landscapes...
Torque, also known as torque, describes in the bicycle context the force that acts on the crank or rear wheel to drive the bicycle. It is a physical quantity that is measured in Newton meters (Nm) and significantly influences the...
A bicycle air pump is a tool used to increase the air pressure in a bicycle's tires to the recommended level. It is used to pump air into the tires so that the bicycle can ride safely and efficiently. There...
In the cycling context, a mullet bike is a type of bicycle that is equipped with two wheels of different sizes. The term comes from English and alludes to the "mullet" hairstyle, which is short at the front and long...