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How to start road cycling?

Have you decided to start road cycling? Congratulations, because you are embarking on a journey full of adventure, fitness and freedom! But before you get in the saddle, there are a few things you should consider. In this article, I will show you how to get started with road cycling - from the right equipment to the first training sessions.

Von Fabian Huber  |  3 minutes read time

Rennrad fahren beginnen - How to
About the author Fabian Huber

Fabian founded MYVELO together with Vincent. The two share a long-standing passion for cycling. Together they have cycled thousands of kilometers and fought for victories in the German racing bike league. The idea of founding MYVELO arose from their many years of experience and knowledge of what makes a good bike. Find out more about MYVELO now

Published: December 10, 2024

Especially for the first few kilometers, you can buy a used racing bike or borrow one from a friend. This way you can test whether you like the sport without making a big investment straight away. As soon as you realize that racing cycling is exactly your thing, you can still invest in your dream bike . With a few tips and a little preparation, nothing will stand in the way of your start! In this article, you will find out everything you need to know to get started.

Choosing the right racing bike

The first step is choosing your racing bike. There are a variety of models that differ in price, material and area of ​​use. Here is an overview:

  • Beginner-friendly models : Lightweight frames made of aluminum or inexpensive carbon blends are ideal if you want to gain initial experience.
  • Frame size : The right frame size is crucial for comfort and efficiency. Get advice from a specialist shop or use online calculators that give you a recommendation based on your body measurements.
  • Budget : In addition to the racing bike, also budget for accessories such as a helmet, cycling shoes, clothing and maintenance. A good entry-level model often costs between 1,000 and 2,000 euros.

The right equipment

Road cycling requires more than just a good bike. Here are the most important pieces of equipment:

  • Helmet : Safety first! A well-fitting helmet is mandatory.
  • Road bike shoes and clipless pedals : These ensure better power transfer and efficiency.
  • Functional clothing : Invest in padded cycling shorts, breathable jerseys and weatherproof jackets.
  • Tools and spare parts : A small saddle bag with a multi-tool, spare tube and tire lever should always be with you.
  • Water bottles : Hydration is important, especially on longer tours.

Basics of Driving Technique

Before you set off on long tours, you should familiarize yourself with the basics of riding technique:

  • Getting on and off : Practice getting on and off the pedals safely.
  • Cornering technique : Make sure you press down with the outside pedal and shift your weight into the corner.
  • Braking : Brake in a controlled manner using both the front and rear brakes.

The first trips

Start with short, flat rides to get used to the bike and the riding position. Some tips to get you started:

  • Correct pace : Ride at a comfortable pace at which you can still hold a conversation.
  • Cadence : Try to maintain a cadence of 80-100 revolutions per minute to protect your joints.
  • Avoid group rides : For the first few rides, it is better to travel alone or with an experienced companion so that you are not overwhelmed by other riders.

training plan for beginners

A structured plan will help you make progress and stay motivated. Here is an example for the first four weeks:

  • Week 1 : Two rides of 30-45 minutes each on flat terrain.
  • Week 2 : Three trips, one of which is a little longer (60 minutes).
  • Week 3 : Include gentle climbs, totaling 3-4 hours of riding time per week.
  • Week 4 : Increase the distance of a ride to 90 minutes, otherwise stick to three sessions.

The right diet

When you ride a road bike you burn a lot of calories, so the right diet is important:

  • Before the ride : A carbohydrate-rich meal such as oatmeal or whole grain bread provides energy.
  • While driving : Take small snacks such as energy bars or bananas with you on longer trips.
  • After the ride : Replenish your stores with a mix of carbohydrates and proteins.

Regular maintenance

A well-maintained bike ensures greater safety and riding pleasure. Check regularly:

  • Tire pressure : The correct pressure is indicated on the tire sidewall and should be checked before every journey.
  • Brakes : Make sure brake pads and cables are working properly.
  • Chain and gears : Keep the chain clean and well maintained , and check the gears for precise shifting.

Motivation and goal setting

Set small, achievable goals - for example, a longer ride, a specific climb or taking part in a cycling marathon. Use apps like Strava to track your progress and connect with like-minded people.

With a little preparation and patience, you will quickly realize how much fun road cycling can be. Remember: everyone has to start somewhere and the most important step is to just start riding. So grab your bike, enjoy the freedom on two wheels and discover the world from a new perspective!

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