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Alcohol and bicycle: what punishment awaits you?

Von Fabian Huber  |  3 minutes read time

Pedelec, S-Pedelec, E-Bike, Klapprad, Faltrad, E-Klapprad, E-Faltrad, Elektronisches Fahrrad, Elektro Fahrrad, Lifestyle
About the author Fabian Huber

Fabian founded MYVELO together with Vincent. The two share a long-standing passion for cycling. Together they have cycled thousands of kilometers and fought for victories in the German racing bike league. The idea of founding MYVELO arose from their many years of experience and knowledge of what makes a good bike. Find out more about MYVELO now

Published: May 12, 2021  |  Updated: July 18, 2023

After an evening in the pub or at a party, many people tend to take a bike home instead of a taxi. But this can quickly lead to penalties. The fines vary depending on your blood alcohol level. There is also a distinction made according to the type of bike you are riding. So that you know what penalties you face if you cycle while drunk, we have listed them for you below.

Dangers of alcohol on a bicycle

It is not surprising that there are heavy penalties for getting on a bike while under the influence of alcohol. When cycling under the influence of alcohol, we pose a danger to ourselves and others because we are unable to react as quickly and can lose our balance. This can quickly lead to serious injuries .

Accordingly, riding a bicycle while drunk is not a minor offense, but is clearly punished as a criminal offense . This means that the expected fines are also higher.

Although cyclists also pose a great danger when drunk, their blood alcohol levels may be significantly higher than those of car drivers. Motor vehicles pose a greater risk of injury due to their weight and higher speeds.

We explain the different "vehicle classes" of electronically powered bicycles here .

Penalties for exceeding the alcohol limit

Driving under the influence of alcohol on a bicycle or pedelec: Permissible blood alcohol levels & penalties

Even the smallest blood alcohol level can have consequences for cycling . If you attract attention with a blood alcohol level of 0.3 or cause an accident , you will usually be reported to the police.

This often results in fines and even two points in Flensburg . Depending on the nature of the accident, the penalty will be higher or lower.

If you are caught cycling under the influence of alcohol more often , you may face higher fines .

If your blood alcohol level is below 1.6 , the police cannot stop you from continuing your journey as long as your driving style is inconspicuous .

If you are caught with a blood alcohol level of 1.6 per mille or more , you will not be allowed to continue driving and you can expect heavy fines. As a rule, you will have to take an MPU (medical-psychological examination).

If you refuse to undergo this examination or fail, in most cases your driving license will be revoked and you will receive 3 points in Flensburg . At the same time, you can expect a fine of around 30 daily rates . You may even be banned from driving a two-wheeler indefinitely.

For novice drivers who are caught with a blood alcohol level of more than 1.6 per mille, the probationary period is also extended .

Alcohol limits for e-bikes, S-Pedelecs and Pedelec riders

Pedelecs, which provide assistance up to a speed of 25 km/h , are legally treated like non-motorized bicycles . If you ride under the influence of alcohol, the penalties already explained apply.

However, different penalties apply for S-Pedelecs and e-bikes . Here you can expect the same consequences as if you were driving a car while under the influence of alcohol . If your blood alcohol level is 0.5 per mille or higher , you are committing an administrative offence , and if your blood alcohol level is 1.1 per mille or higher, it is a criminal offence .

We wish you a safe and accident-free journey at all times!

You can find more advantages of an electric bike here!

Why is it dangerous to ride a bike while drunk?

Anyone who rides a bike with a high blood alcohol level is putting themselves and those around them in danger. Alcohol in the blood slows down reactions and makes it difficult to maintain our balance.

What is the alcohol limit for e-bikes?

For e-bikes that travel faster than 25 km/h, the same penalties apply as for drunk drivers. This is an administrative offence if the blood alcohol level is 0.5 per mille or higher, and it is even a criminal offence if the blood alcohol level is 1.1 per mille or higher.

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