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E-Bike mountain bike – conquer the mountain with a motor

Von Fabian Huber  |  4 minutes read time

E-Bike Mountainbike – den Berg mit Motor bezwingen
About the author Fabian Huber

Fabian founded MYVELO together with Vincent. The two share a long-standing passion for cycling. Together they have cycled thousands of kilometers and fought for victories in the German racing bike league. The idea of founding MYVELO arose from their many years of experience and knowledge of what makes a good bike. Find out more about MYVELO now

Published: June 6, 2021  |  Updated: July 11, 2023

Nowadays, more and more people are deciding to buy an e-bike. It doesn't even have to be a city bike for use in the city - there is also the right model for sporty bikers.

An e-mountain bike offers the possibility of still being active on hilly terrain, but it also provides the rider with optimal support on difficult passages. In the following guide, we will show you what makes a good e-mountain bike and what to look out for when buying one of these electric bikes.

If you want to ride on less demanding terrain and well-paved roads, a rear-wheel drive for an e-mountain bike is the right choice - this is mainly mounted on hardtails.

However, since the weight is not evenly distributed, it is not so easy to ride on difficult trails. A big advantage, however, is that models with rear-wheel drive often have what is known as recuperation.

This uses the electric motor to recharge the battery while the e-bike is in use - this means the range can be continuously extended. This is why such e-mountain bikes are often cheaper to buy and less susceptible to wear and tear.

What is a mid-engine ?

In terms of handling, mid-engines are clearly the best option for e-mountain bikes these days. Not only do they provide excellent weight distribution, they also allow you to ride on winding roads and offer a high level of safety on steep terrain.

Furthermore, a mid-engine always represents a combination of motor and gearbox directly at the bottom bracket of the bike. In this way, the support provided by the motor can be adapted as best as possible to the rider's pedaling movements.

The mid-engine is the main advantage of a fully-equipped e-mountain bike. In contrast to a rear engine, this is part of the sprung mass. Furthermore, most manufacturers install the drive unit in the frame in such a way that it is optimally protected from below.

What are the important things to know about the battery in an e-mountain bike?

In addition to the motor, the battery also plays an extremely important role in every e-bike, as it is responsible for the range of the bike. The type of battery you choose depends on the preferred design, but handling also plays an important role.

For many years, standard batteries were common, but modern e-mountain bikes are increasingly being equipped with integrated batteries. Although these are a visual highlight, in practice they are not necessarily the best choice.

This is because they shift the center of gravity in an unfavorable way for the rider and replacing them can also be problematic. Because an integrated battery is always larger than a standard battery, they usually take up a lot of space in luggage - which is something not every rider likes on a longer tour with an e-bike.

How important are the right tires for an e-bike mountain bike?

Without a doubt, safety is the most important thing when it comes to choosing the right e-mountain bike. Beginners in particular should therefore pay attention not only to the brakes and frame, but also to choosing the right tires.

To ensure the best possible grip, the widest possible tires are recommended for off-road tours. Thick tires not only ensure optimized grip, but also better cushioning on rough terrain.

Ideally, the diameter of the tires for the Pedelec should be no less than 2.5 inches - the more, the better. You should also make sure that the air pressure is correct, which is ideally between 1.2 and 1.7 bar.

How much does a good e-mountain bike or pedelec cost?

The selection of e-mountain bikes is now large and there is a model to suit every taste and budget. The most important criteria are durability, safety and sustainability.

How important is the weight of an e-bike mountain bike?

If you are thinking about buying an electric bike, such as an S-Pedelec or E-Bike mountain bike, the weight is always crucial.

Although an electric motor provides good support during the ride, it also increases the weight of a Pedelec or e-bike mountain bike. But with a mountain bike in particular, low weight is particularly important on hilly terrain. That's why a Pedelec shouldn't weigh too much.

On average, an S-Pedelec or e-mountain bike weighs between 22 and 28 kg - the less the better. Since the weight is generally a bit higher than that of a normal e-bike for the city, it is often a better choice to choose a heavier model with better stability.

Lightweight bikes often have the disadvantage that they are less resilient and stability can also suffer due to the lower weight.

Before buying a Pedelec, you should always ask yourself what purpose the electric bike will be used for. If you want to use your electric bike primarily in everyday life and only ride on flat terrain, it does not necessarily have to be an e-mountain bike.

Electric mountain bikes are particularly suitable if you are travelling on hilly terrain for a longer period of time.

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