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Use wax instead of grease for optimal lubrication: make your racing bike faster and more efficient!

Von Vincent Augustin  |  7 minutes read time

Mit Wachs statt Fett zur optimalen Schmierung: Mach dein Rennrad schneller und effizienter!
About the author Vincent Augustin

Vincent founded MYVELO together with Fabian. The two share a long-standing passion for cycling. Together they have cycled thousands of kilometers and fought for victories in the German racing bike league. The idea of founding MYVELO arose from their many years of experience and knowledge of what makes a good bike. Find out more about MYVELO now

Published: May 24, 2024  |  Updated: June 5, 2024

The search for the optimal lubrication of a bicycle chain can turn into a real odyssey. The correct care and lubrication of racing bike chains contributes significantly to their performance and longevity. With the choice between numerous products such as grease, oil or wax, the question inevitably arises: which lubrication is best for a racing bike and how can it increase the watt/kg performance?

This article uses objective comparisons and analyses to explain why wax in particular has established itself as an effective lubricant for racing bike chains. The aim is to enable readers to make confident decisions for their individual needs and perhaps even become a little bit faster.

We will accompany you on a fascinating journey into the world of wax, bicycle chains and racing bike lubrication. We will weave together exciting physics, fascinating chemistry and practical tips to decode the myth of the "faster racing bike".

Why proper lubrication of your road bike chain is crucial

Click, click, click - the unmistakable sound of a racing bike hub. And the chain? The hissing sounds of a well-lubricated bicycle chain that wraps effortlessly around the gears - an unmistakable experience! Every cyclist knows it, the tangible magic that comes with a well-maintained racing bike. But how do you actually achieve this state of perfection? What is the secret behind using wax as a lubricant? Why does it help you achieve more speed, less wear and tear and a higher watt/kg performance?

Lubricating your road bike chain is an often overlooked but crucial aspect of your bike's performance and longevity. A well-lubricated chain reduces drag, improves efficiency and provides a quieter ride. Here are some key points:

  • Friction reduction: A lubricated chain prevents metal-to-metal contact between the chain links, reducing friction and therefore drag. This enables smoother and more efficient power transmission.
  • Corrosion protection: Lubricants create a protective layer on the chain that protects it from harmful environmental influences such as water and salt, which can otherwise lead to rust.
  • Noise reduction: A well-lubricated chain moves more quietly and ensures a more comfortable ride.

There are different products to lubricate your chain, such as Teflon-based lubricants or ceramic lubricants. Choose the product that best suits your needs. Remember to clean and lubricate the chain regularly to extend its life. A clean and well-lubricated bike is a happy bike!

Wax or grease: The best choice for your bicycle chain

Choosing between wax or grease for your bike chain can be challenging as both have their pros and cons. It's important to consider your needs and riding environment before making a decision.

Wax has several advantages: it attracts less dirt, which keeps the chain cleaner and extends its lifespan. It is also easier to apply and leaves no greasy residue. It is great for dry and dusty conditions. However, wax can be washed off when wet and therefore needs to be renewed more often.

Grease, on the other hand, is very durable and offers excellent protection against corrosion and wear. It is particularly suitable for wet and muddy conditions. Disadvantages are that it attracts dirt and is more difficult to apply.

Here are a few tips for caring for your bicycle chain:

  • Clean the chain regularly to remove dirt and old lubricants.
  • Apply the wax or grease evenly to all links of the chain.
  • Allow the lubricant to soak in thoroughly before you set off.

So whether you choose wax or grease depends on your personal preference and the riding environment. Both can be a good choice if used correctly.

Step-by-step instructions: How to wax your chain properly

The third step in our guide is about the proper care of your chain. It is essential to wax your chain regularly to ensure optimal performance and longevity. Here are the most important steps to follow:

  1. Clean the chain: Before you start waxing, the chain should be cleaned thoroughly. You can use special chain cleaners to remove dirt and old wax residue.
  2. Apply the wax: After cleaning, you can apply the wax. Make sure that every single chain link is covered with wax. A good example is the wax from CeramicSpeed, which has achieved excellent results in various tests.
  3. Let the wax dry: After applying the wax, you should let it dry thoroughly. The time varies depending on the product, but on average it takes about an hour.

Regular maintenance of your chain is essential to ensure high performance and a long lifespan. With this step-by-step guide, waxing your chain in the future should be easy.

The Effects of Lubrication on Watt/kg and Performance

Lubricating your bike can have a significant impact on your performance. A well-lubricated bike can help you optimize your watts/kg output and therefore improve your overall performance. Why is this so? Lubrication reduces friction between the moving parts of your bike. Less friction means less resistance and therefore a more efficient transfer of energy from your pedaling power to the bike.

Some key points to note are:

  • Choose the right lubricant: There are specific lubricants for dry and wet conditions. Choosing the right lubricant can extend the life of your bike components and improve their performance.
  • Regular use: The frequency of lubrication also plays an important role. Too little lubrication can lead to increased wear and loss of performance. However, too much lubrication can attract dirt, which in turn increases friction.
  • Proper application: Apply the lubricant directly to the chain and allow it to work. Then remove any excess lubricant to prevent it from attracting dirt.

For example, a study by Friction Facts showed that a well-lubricated chain can deliver up to 5 watts more power than a poorly lubricated chain. This may not seem like much at first, but in a long race or over a season, it can make a significant difference. So, don't forget to lubricate your chain regularly to get the most out of your cycling performance.

Maintenance tips: How to keep your chain supple for longer

The bicycle chain is the heart of your bike and requires special care. Here are five essential maintenance tips to extend the life of your chain and keep it supple.

  1. Regular cleaning: A dirty chain leads to increased wear and reduces driving efficiency. Use a special chain brush and a suitable cleaning agent to remove dirt and old lubricants.
  2. Proper lubrication: The chain should always be lubricated after cleaning. Make sure that the lubricant gets into the gaps between the chain links. There are different types of lubricants that can vary depending on weather conditions and the area of ​​use.
  3. Check the tension: A chain that is too tight or too loose can cause problems. A chain tension gauge can be used to determine the correct tension and adjust it if necessary.
  4. Check wear: A chain lock or a chain checker helps to check the wear of the chain. If the wear is too high, the chain should be replaced.
  5. Don't forget to change the chain: Even with the best care, a chain doesn't last forever. Most experts recommend changing the chain after about 2,000 to 3,000 kilometers, depending on the conditions of use.

These tips will help you extend the life of your chain and ensure that your bike is always in top shape.

Learn from the pros: lubrication techniques from road bike experts

When it comes to maintaining your road bike, lubrication techniques are an important aspect that should not be neglected. Road bike experts use different techniques to ensure that their bike runs smoothly and performs optimally. One of the key aspects is choosing the right lubricant. There are several options here:

  • Wet lubricants: These are ideal in wet and muddy conditions as they do not wash off easily.
  • Dry lubricants: They attract less dirt, making them the best choice for dry and dusty conditions.

Sustainable care: environmentally friendly options for chain wax and grease

Taking care of your bike sustainably can make a significant contribution to protecting the environment. Environmentally friendly options for chain wax and grease play a particularly important role. More and more manufacturers are now offering products that not only have excellent lubricating properties, but are also made from plant-based ingredients. This avoids harmful chemical ingredients and at the same time conserves natural resources.

An example of such a product is the organic chain wax from Green Oil, which is completely biodegradable and made from renewable raw materials. But the bicycle chain grease from Muc-Off Bio Grease is also an environmentally friendly alternative that does not contain petroleum and still offers excellent corrosion protection.

But choosing the right product is not the only thing that is crucial for long-term care. You should also consider the following points:

  • Only use as much product as necessary: ​​Excessive greasing puts unnecessary strain on the environment.
  • Dispose of used oil and cleaning rags properly: These often still contain residues of lubricants and should not end up in household waste.
  • Use reusable cleaning utensils whenever possible: Some manufacturers now offer washable microfiber cloths that can be used multiple times.

Through these measures, you can actively contribute to reducing the ecological footprint of your bike and thus make a contribution to protecting the environment.


Proper lubrication of the road bike chain is crucial to optimizing performance and efficiency. Wax and grease must be selected individually and applied correctly. Regular maintenance and the use of environmentally friendly lubrication options will keep the chain supple and efficient for longer. Future developments could bring further improvements in lubrication technology. By understanding and applying these points, everyone can improve their cycling performance and act sustainably. So get to the chain and let's go!

The way you lubricate your bike also plays an important role. A common tip from pros is to always apply the lubricant to the inside of the chain and then wait until it is fully absorbed before wiping off any excess. The frequency of lubrication is also crucial. Road bike pros recommend lubricating the chain after every ride in the rain or after about 100-200 kilometers in dry conditions.

Remember that lubrication is only one part of bike care. Other important aspects include cleaning and inspecting your bike regularly, checking and adjusting the brakes and gears, and replacing worn parts. By paying attention to all of these points, you can extend the life of your road bike and ensure optimal performance.

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