Makalu Equipped E-SUV
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An e-bike registration includes the legal requirements and regulations that are necessary for operating an electric bicycle, also known as an e-bike, in Germany. Basically, e-bikes are divided into two categories: Pedelecs and S-Pedelecs, both of which are subject to different rules. Pedelecs support the rider's pedal power up to a speed of 25 km/h and are legally considered bicycles, which means that they do not require registration, insurance or a driver's license. S-Pedelecs, on the other hand, which can reach speeds of up to 45 km/h, require registration, must be equipped with an insurance license plate and the driver must have a suitable driver's license. The Road Traffic Licensing Regulations (StVZO) also stipulate technical requirements that e-bikes must meet in order to be allowed to be used on public roads.
Find out exactly what category your e-bike belongs to and the associated requirements. A Pedelec that meets the requirements of a normal bicycle does not require special registration, while faster models such as S-Pedelecs are considered motor vehicles and require registration.
Make sure that your e-bike or S-Pedelec complies with the requirements of the StVZO. This includes lighting, reflectors and an effective braking system to guarantee safety in traffic.
Think about insurance! For e-bikes that require registration, a valid insurance license plate is also necessary. This must be renewed annually and proves that the vehicle has liability insurance.
With the necessary knowledge and a little effort, you can ensure that your e-bike meets all legal requirements and that you can enjoy your rides with peace of mind and safety. Remember to take into account the safety tips for 45 km/h e-bikes to ensure your safety and that of other road users.
Immer mehr Menschen steigen vom Auto aufs Fahrrad um – und das nicht nur in der Freizeit. Das sogenannte Dienstrad hat sich in den letzten Jahren als attraktive Alternative zum klassischen Firmenwagen etabliert. Insbesondere E-Bikes stehen bei Arbeitnehmern und Arbeitgebern hoch im Kurs. Warum? Sie sind nicht nur nachhaltig, sondern oft auch kostengünstiger und gesünder.
In recent years, a surprising trend has taken over the streets and beaches of the Netherlands: the fat bike. The wide-tired bikes, originally designed for sandy deserts or snowy landscapes, are now a common sight in one of the most bike-friendly countries in the world. But what is behind this boom, and why is the fat bike such a good fit for Holland?