Torque, also known as torque, describes in the bicycle context the force that acts on the crank or rear wheel to drive the bicycle. It is a physical quantity that is measured in Newton meters (Nm) and significantly influences the acceleration and efficiency of the drive. Torque is calculated from the formula:
Torque (Nm) = Force (N) × Lever arm (m)
Important applications of torque in the bicycle sector:
E-bike motors :
On e-bikes, the torque indicates how much support the motor offers. Higher values (e.g. 85 Nm) mean more support, which is particularly beneficial on steep climbs or for heavy riders. Lower values (e.g. 40 Nm) are sufficient for city traffic or light terrain. -
Power transmission :
Torque affects how efficiently power is transferred from the rider through the crank and chain to the rear wheel. A long lever arm (as in longer cranks) can increase torque. -
Maintenance and installation :
When tightening screws, e.g. on cranks or disc brakes, the correct torque is crucial to avoid damage caused by over- or under-tightening. Torque wrenches help to maintain the correct values. -
Performance analysis :
Especially in professional sports, torque is often analyzed in combination with cadence to determine a rider's power (in watts). Watts are calculated from torque × cadence.
Why is torque important?
Torque directly influences driving dynamics and performance. A better understanding of this helps you to use your own power more efficiently, compare e-bike options better or maintain the equipment optimally.
Die Fahrradkette ist das Herzstück deines Bikes. Sie überträgt die Kraft von deinen Beinen auf die Straße oder den Trail. Eine saubere Kette läuft nicht nur leiser und geschmeidiger, sondern erhöht auch die Lebensdauer von Kette, Ritzeln und Kettenblättern.
Dienstrad E-Bike: So profitieren Arbeitnehmer und Arbeitgeber
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