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Suspension travel

What is suspension travel?

Suspension travel refers to the depth of the suspension that absorbs bumps on the road. This is especially important for mountain bikes. Suspension travel is measured in millimeters (mm) and varies depending on the type of suspension and the bike model. Greater suspension travel means that the suspension has more freedom of movement and is better able to absorb bumps in the road surface.

How does suspension travel work?

Suspension travel works by allowing the bike's suspension to absorb the movement caused by bumps in the road surface. More travel allows the suspension to travel a greater distance and therefore better absorb bumps.

Advantages and disadvantages

An e-bike with greater suspension travel has several advantages over bikes with less suspension travel:

  • Comfort: Greater suspension travel allows the suspension to better absorb bumps in the road surface, providing a smoother, more comfortable ride.
  • Traction: Greater suspension travel allows the wheel to stay in better contact with the ground, providing more traction and control.
  • Suspension: Greater suspension travel allows the bike to better absorb shocks and vibrations, which can reduce the strain on the rider and the bike.

However, there are also disadvantages of e-bikes with longer suspension travel:

  • Weight: More suspension travel usually requires more material and can increase the weight of the bike.
  • Cost: More suspension travel can increase the cost of the bike because it requires more materials and advanced technology.

For whom is suspension travel important?

Suspension travel is important to many cyclists as it affects ride comfort and driving dynamics. For riders who spend a lot of time on uneven roads or ride longer distances, a longer suspension travel is particularly beneficial as it can better absorb bumps and thus provide a smoother and more comfortable ride. Mountain bikers who ride on uneven terrain in particular can benefit from a longer suspension travel as it can improve the absorption of shocks and vibrations and thus reduce the strain on the rider and the bike.

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