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traction aid

What is traction assistance?

A starting aid is a technological support that is mainly found on e-bikes and pedelecs. Its main purpose is to make starting easier by allowing the rider to set the bike in motion with just a push of a button or a slight pedal movement, without the need for strong physical effort. This is particularly beneficial when starting uphill or when heavy loads are being transported. The starting aid offers additional comfort by ensuring a smooth and controlled start, which is particularly helpful for beginners or people with reduced mobility. According to the Road Traffic Licensing Regulations (StVZO), the starting aid for pedelecs is permitted up to a speed of 6 km/h, which ensures that safety standards are met while ensuring a comfortable driving experience.

What functions does the traction assist have?

  • Making starting easier: The starting aid makes it easy to start off without the driver having to exert much effort, which is particularly useful on inclines or when transporting heavy loads.
  • Compatibility with the StVZO: The starting aid complies with the legal requirements by only supporting Pedelecs up to a speed of 6 km/h, thus ensuring safety on public roads.
  • Contribution to greater comfort: The technology provides additional comfort to the riding experience by enabling a smooth start, making cycling more enjoyable overall.

What should be considered when using traction assistance?

  • Speed ​​limit: It is important to observe the speed limit of 6 km/h to ensure compliance with the StVZO and to drive safely on the road.
  • Battery life: Using the traction assist can affect battery life. It is advisable to check the battery status regularly and, if necessary, limit the use of the traction assist on longer journeys.
  • Technical condition: Regular maintenance and checking of the technical condition are essential for the reliable function of the traction aid and the safety of the driver.

Advantages of the journey assistance

  • Improved mobility for people with limited physical strength.
  • Increased comfort and easier starting, especially in hilly areas or when transporting loads.
  • Compliance with safety regulations through speed limits according to StVZO

Disadvantages of the approach assistance

  • Potential impact on battery life.
  • Requires regular maintenance and inspection to ensure proper functioning.

Alternatives to travel assistance

  • Manual push assist: For those who prefer a more traditional riding experience, manually pushing the bike may be an alternative.
  • Different drive systems: In addition to the electric starting aid, other drive systems such as hybrid or mechanical systems can also be considered.

Tips and Tricks

  • To save battery life, limit the use of traction assistance to situations where it is really needed.
  • Always keep your e-bike or pedelec well maintained to ensure optimal performance of the starting aid.

The start assist provides great support that makes cycling easier and more enjoyable. It allows you to ride safely and comfortably, which is the key to a satisfying riding experience.

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