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Reducing sleeve

What is a reducing sleeve?

A bicycle reducer sleeve is an adapter that allows a handlebar or stem with a larger diameter to be mounted on a fork with a smaller diameter. The sleeve is typically made of aluminum or steel and has a conical shape that tapers from a larger diameter to a smaller diameter.

The reducer sleeve is usually placed between the fork and the handlebar or stem and ensures that the handlebar fits snugly on the fork. It is particularly useful when you want to fit a new handlebar or stem with a larger diameter to an older bike that has a fork with a smaller diameter.

However, it is important to note that using a reducer sleeve can reduce the handlebar height as the handlebar or stem must be inserted further into the fork to ensure a tight fit.

Do I need a reducing sleeve?

Whether you need a reducing sleeve for your bike depends on which components you want to mount and whether the diameters match.

If you want to mount a handlebar or stem with a larger diameter to a fork with a smaller diameter, you will need a reducer sleeve to securely and firmly attach the handlebar or stem.

However, if you have a handlebar or stem with the same diameter as the fork, you do not need a reduction sleeve. It is important to check your bike's specifications and compatibility with the components you want before purchasing handlebars and stems to make sure they fit together and no additional adapters are needed.

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