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A motoped is a lightweight, two-wheeled vehicle that is a combination of a motorcycle and a moped. It is usually equipped with a small engine, usually with a displacement size of 50cc to 250cc. This engine can use either an internal combustion engine (petrol or sometimes electric) or an electric motor.

Typically, a motoped has a compact frame design similar to that of a bicycle and is equipped with pedals that allow the rider to pedal and move without motor assistance. This makes it quite versatile, as in some regions it is classified as a bicycle and may be subject to less stringent regulations.

Motopeds are designed for short distances and urban travel. They don't usually offer the same speed and power as traditional motorcycles, but they are in many cases more cost-effective and require less fuel or electricity. Their small size and maneuverability make them easy to maneuver even in busy urban areas.

There are several manufacturers that produce motopeds, and they can vary in terms of design and features. Some models are designed more for off-road use, while others are better suited to city use. Motopeds are a popular option in many countries and regions for commuters and recreational riders looking for a cost-effective and environmentally friendly transportation option.

Motopeds are quite similar to e-bikes , but with e-bikes the motor is only used as support when the pedals are actually moved - unless a thumb throttle is used, which according to the StVO is not allowed to have the speed of an e-bike or pedelec.

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