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Chain guard

A chain guard is a component that is fitted to bicycles to protect the bicycle chain while ensuring the safety of the rider. It is designed to protect the chain from dirt, dust and debris while also minimising the rider's contact with the rotating chain.

Functions of the chain guard

  1. Protecting the chain: The main purpose of a chain guard is to protect the bicycle chain from external influences such as dirt, water, sand and other particles. This prevents premature wear of the chain and reduces maintenance.

  2. Safety: The chain guard minimizes the risk of accidents or injuries by preventing loose clothing, shoelaces or objects from getting caught in the rotating chain. This contributes to the overall safety of the rider.

Types of chain guard

  1. Full chain guard: This type of chain guard encloses the entire chain in a closed cover. It is particularly effective in terms of protection and safety, as the chain is completely protected from external influences and contact.

  2. Partial chain guard: This is a chain guard that covers only part of the chain, usually the front chainring. It offers some protection from dirt and contact without completely obscuring the visibility of the chain.

  3. Chain case: A chain case is a closed box that covers the entire chain and also contains the front chainring. This offers the highest level of protection and safety, but is often used on city bikes and Dutch bikes .

Advantages of the chain guard

  1. Longer chain life: By protecting against dirt and abrasion, the life of the bicycle chain is extended, resulting in lower maintenance costs.

  2. Less maintenance: A chain guard reduces the need to frequently clean and lubricate the chain because it is less exposed.

  3. Improved safety: Protection from loose clothing or objects that could get caught in the chain minimizes the risk of injury to the rider.

  4. More comfortable riding: The chain guard helps the rider feel more comfortable as he does not have to worry about clothing or possible contact with the chain.

A chain guard on a bicycle fulfils several important functions, including protecting the chain from dirt and wear and tear, as well as ensuring the safety of the rider. Alternatives to a chain guard include a belt drive .

There are several different types of chain guards, from full covers to partial guards. The benefits of chain guards range from longer chain life to improved rider safety and reduced maintenance.

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