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Folding pedal

A folding pedal is a special bicycle pedal that offers the possibility of folding or collapsing. These pedals are particularly popular on folding bikes , which are known for their compactness and easy storage. The folding mechanism allows the pedals to be stored in a space-saving manner when the bike is folded or transported.

Most folding pedals have a simple folding mechanism that allows the pedal surface to be folded along an axis or at a joint. This further reduces the profile of the folded bike, making it easier to transport and store.

The folding mechanism does not usually affect the basic function of the pedal while riding. When the bike is in use, the folding pedals unfold and behave like regular pedals. However, the folding function allows for greater flexibility and convenience for people who need to fold and transport their bike often.

It's important to note that folding pedals may not be quite as robust as traditional pedals in terms of strength and durability, so they should be chosen appropriately for the intended use and riding style. Folding pedals are particularly useful for commuters who regularly need to take their bike on public transport or store it in limited space.

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