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MYVELO Athlete

Jakob Schmidt


GEBURTSDATUM: 2001-05-30
GEWICHT: 77 kg
GRÖßE: 1.94m
FAHRTYP: mountain-proof all-rounder
LIEBLINGSZITAT: "Those who fight can lose. Those who don't fight have already lost."
Über Jakob Schmidt

Hello, it's me, Jakob from Erfurt. In my free time I love going out into the city with my friends, drinking a coffee or two and eating lots of ice cream. In the summer we also like to fire up the grill or make pizza together. I also watch a lot of basketball and ice hockey games when time permits. How did I come to MYVELO? It's simple: I called the store in Oberkirch and asked what exactly the plans were for the coming season... ;-) …and now I am here with great motivation. Sporting goals: Grow together with the team and try to get the most out of every race and achieve good results.