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Why the weight of the electric folding bike is important

For many people, the best thing about riding an electric bike is the feeling of weightlessness. But when it comes to the weight of an e-bike, there are a few things to consider - especially with regard to the center of gravity and riding feel.

Von Fabian Huber  |  4 minutes read time

Elektro Klapprad Gewicht
About the author Fabian Huber

Fabian founded MYVELO together with Vincent. The two share a long-standing passion for cycling. Together they have cycled thousands of kilometers and fought for victories in the German racing bike league. The idea of founding MYVELO arose from their many years of experience and knowledge of what makes a good bike. Find out more about MYVELO now

Published: May 29, 2021  |  Updated: January 7, 2025

In general, it is of course an advantage if an e-bike folding bike weighs as little as possible so that it can be transported without any problems. However, the distribution of weight also plays a crucial role.

The high-quality e-bikes from MYVELO offer you maximum riding pleasure with low weight. Our electric folding bikes impress with their solid workmanship, but are still very easy to transport.

Lightweight yet stable: The MYVELO E-Folding Bike Zurich

Zurich electric folding bike -

In addition to a high-quality and simple look, the MYVELO electric folding bike Zurich is characterized by its particularly low weight of only 17 kg. With this lightweight model, it is of course no problem to carry the bike in the city, on public transport or up several flights of stairs.

This is mainly due to the aluminum frame, which offers a high degree of stability and robustness. In everyday life in particular, things often have to be done quickly. In these cases, it is good if an electric folding bike can be folded up or folded up in just a few seconds.

Of course, a lightweight MYVELO folding e-bike can also be easily transported in a car, bus or train.

Advantages of a lightweight e-folding bike: The weight of the battery also influences the total weight

The battery is also partly responsible for the weight of an electric folding bike. Modern lithium-ion batteries, such as those used by MYVELO from manufacturers such as Samsung, are characterized by their low weight and high energy density.

Most batteries weigh no more than 2.8 kg - or even less. When buying a battery, it is important to choose the right one depending on the intended use. For example, if you primarily ride your bike in the city, a battery with an output of 300 or 400 Wh is often sufficient. For longer tours or more demanding routes, however, it is recommended to choose a battery with no less than 500 Wh.

Important when buying: Be sure to pay attention to the permissible total weight!

Because a Pedelec alone already weighs several kilos, many buyers wonder how high the permissible total weight of a folding e-bike can actually be.
Basically, the weight of the Pedelec, including the rider's body weight and any luggage, must not exceed the permissible total weight specified by the manufacturer. It is therefore essential to ensure that the model is suitable for the intended purpose when selecting it.
For a normal e-bike, the permissible total weight is often around 120 kg. If you also take into account that the bike alone weighs around 20 kg - and you also have to factor in luggage for most longer trips - it quickly becomes clear that such a bike is not a good solution for a rider who weighs more than 90 kg.

What role does the weight of an e-bike play in everyday life?

Transporting a folding e-bike in everyday life can quickly become a real challenge if you don't take the weight into account when buying it. This is especially evident when obstacles such as stairs have to be overcome.

Therefore, before you buy it, you should ask yourself whether and how often you want to carry the electric folding bike. For example, if you often travel by train and use the e-bike at the same time, you need to be able to fold it up quickly and carry it several meters without any effort. If you often have to climb stairs when commuting, the bike should be as light as possible.

MYVELO electric folding bike
MYVELO folding bike Berlin and Zurich

The weight of the electric folding bike: The most important tips for easy transport of the e-bike folding bike in everyday life

Below we present you with some tips that will help you stay mobile even with an e-bike.

Proper Wearing

If you have to carry the folding bike up several steps, make sure you have the correct posture. To lift it, it is best to bend your knees slightly and keep your back as straight as possible.

To do this, tense your abdominal and back muscles. Ideally, the bike's center of gravity should be near the middle of your body. By the way: the battery can also be removed and carried separately in your backpack. Then the bike will immediately be a few kilos lighter.

Use barrier-free paths

Especially in public buildings such as train stations, there are often barrier-free accesses to platforms or other areas. So, if possible, use the escalator, a ramp or the elevator to transport your e-bike.

Choose an extra light folding e-bike right from the start !
If you choose a particularly light electric folding bike right from the start, you are doing yourself a favor - and in the long run. Because if you ride your bike every day, you will quickly be grateful if the model you choose does not weigh more than 20 kg.

How much does a folding e-bike cost?
Advantages of electric folding bikes when camping

Further information and frequently asked questions zu Why the weight of the electric folding bike is important

Get advice from cycling enthusiasts

The weight of a folding electric bike affects both handling and performance. A lighter model is easier to transport and fold, which is particularly beneficial in urban environments. Weight also affects range and acceleration, as a heavy frame requires more energy to get moving. Optimized weight provides a better riding experience and more efficient use of the battery.

A good electric folding bike should weigh between 15 and 25 kg. Models that are lighter offer better portability, while heavier models are often more stable and robust. The choice depends on individual needs, such as the desired range and the type of use. For urban use, a lighter bike is ideal, while for longer distances and more comfort, slightly heavier models are often preferred.

Yes, the weight of a folding electric bike can affect battery life. A heavier bike requires more energy to keep moving, which leads to higher energy consumption. However, battery life also depends on other factors, such as riding style, terrain and type of motor. Lighter bikes are more efficient and require less energy, but battery capacity also plays an important role. To get the best possible range, it's important to balance weight and battery power.

Ja, das Gewicht eines Elektro-Klapprads beeinflusst auch seine Stabilität. Schwerere Modelle bieten oft eine bessere Straßenlage, besonders bei höheren Geschwindigkeiten oder unebenem Terrain. Das zusätzliche Gewicht sorgt für eine ruhigere Fahrt und eine geringere Anfälligkeit für Vibrationen. Gleichzeitig kann ein zu leichtes Modell bei stärkeren Windböen oder auf holprigen Wegen instabil wirken.

Für den Transport, sei es in öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln, im Auto oder zu Fuß, sind Elektro-Klappräder mit einem Gewicht zwischen 15 und 20 kg ideal. Leichtere Modelle erleichtern das Anheben und Verstauen, besonders wenn man Treppen steigen oder das Rad regelmäßig tragen muss. Klappräder mit einem Eigengewicht von über 20 kg können hingegen schnell unhandlich werden, insbesondere ohne integrierte Tragehilfen.

Das Gewicht eines Elektro-Klapprads hat einen direkten Einfluss auf die Beschleunigung. Ein leichteres Rad benötigt weniger Energie, um anzufahren, was besonders in städtischen Bereichen mit häufigem Stop-and-Go-Verkehr von Vorteil ist. Schwere Modelle können zwar etwas träger in der Beschleunigung sein, bieten jedoch oft mehr Fahrkomfort und Stabilität, insbesondere bei höheren Geschwindigkeiten.

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