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With the e-bikes through the Balkans - a slightly different road trip

Von Fabian Huber  |  2 minutes read time

Mit den E-Bikes durch den Balkan- der etwas andere Roadtrip
About the author Fabian Huber

Fabian founded MYVELO together with Vincent. The two share a long-standing passion for cycling. Together they have cycled thousands of kilometers and fought for victories in the German racing bike league. The idea of founding MYVELO arose from their many years of experience and knowledge of what makes a good bike. Find out more about MYVELO now

Published: June 14, 2021  |  Updated: July 11, 2023

There has been a lot of talk about the Balkan route recently - mostly in connection with a frequently chosen refugee route, which is the gateway to Europe for many refugees from Africa and the Middle East. MYVELO felt inspired and set off on an exciting journey with many surprises and discoveries. In this and the next blog posts we will report on our 8-day, 3650km journey across Eastern Europe.

The route at a glance:

  1. Day: Offenburg-Vienna-Bratislava
  2. Day: Bratislava-Budapest
  3. Day: Budapest-Szeged
  4. Day: Szeged-Timișoara- Belgrade
  5. Day: Belgrade-Sarajevo
  6. Tag: Sarajevo-Mostar-Split
  7. Tag: Split-Novalia
  8. Tag: Novalia-Rijeka-Ljubljana-Munich-Offenburg

Facts and Figures:

  • 3650km by car
  • 200 city kilometers with the folding e-bike
  • 150 litres of water
  • 52h 36min by car
  • 12 impressive cities
  • 9 countries
  • 8 days on tour
  • 7 nights in a VW T4
  • 6 capitals
  • 3 tank fillings
  • 1 Hostel


E-folding bikes for travel

E-folding bikes are not only a great and environmentally friendly means of transport in local public transport such as buses and suburban trains, but they can also bring an extraordinary amount of lightness to an otherwise very strenuous city trip.

The previous question was: how do you make the most of 8 days of vacation? The answer is: grab your van or car, pack your myvélo e-folding bikes in your trunk and start your adventure. In our case, we only knew the direction - we were heading east. The idea was very spontaneous and quickly sealed. The idea came up on Wednesday evening and by Thursday evening the VW T4 was packed and ready to go :-)

E-bikes as city multipliers

You've probably just thought, what a stressful trip that must have been. Not at all - in fact, the opposite was the case. With the e-bikes, you enjoy a high degree of flexibility and, above all, range. Within just a few hours, you can explore huge cities like Vienna, Bratislava, Budapest, Belgrade or Sarajevo.

Since you can park just outside of the city, you also save valuable travel time looking for a parking space. This form of travel allows you to see and experience a lot in a short space of time.


Powerful with the electric folding bike through Vienna and Bratislava
Bicycle rack for the car - no longer necessary with the E-Bike folding bike

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