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What is a tandem bike?

A tandem bicycle, often simply referred to as a "tandem," is a specially designed bicycle designed for two people sitting one behind the other. Unlike a traditional bicycle, where each person controls their own wheel, the tandem riding experience requires a high level of teamwork and coordination. The front rider, also known as the "pilot," controls the steering, brakes, and often the gears, while the rear rider, the "stoker," focuses on pedaling. Both riders contribute to the pedaling, which can make the tandem faster than a single bike, especially on straight stretches. Tandems offer a unique cycling experience, encourage teamwork, and are especially popular with couples and friends who want to experience the joy of cycling together. They are also a practical option for cyclists of varying abilities or for people with visual impairments who would otherwise be unable to cycle independently.

There are also tandems for more than two people, but the two-seater tandem is the most common.

The main features of a tandem are:

  1. Double seat : Two saddles for the riders, arranged one behind the other.
  2. Dual steering : The front rider, often called the "pilot" or "captain", steers and controls the bike. The rear rider, often called the "stoker", assists by pushing the pedals.
  3. Dual drive : Both riders enter the same drive system, thereby generating the driving force together.

    Tandems are used for both recreational riding and sporting purposes. There are special tandem racing bikes and even tandem mountain bikes for off-road adventures.

    What functions does a tandem bike have?

    • Shared experience: The tandem bike offers a unique shared riding experience that allows two people to share the joy of cycling while strengthening the bond between them.
    • Pedaling efficiency: Thanks to the combined power of two riders, the tandem bike can reach higher speeds and is particularly efficient on long distances or when riding uphill.
    • Safety for special needs: Tandems are ideal for people with visual impairments or other limitations that make independent cycling difficult, as they allow them to ride safely with a sighted pilot.
    • Learning and teaching tools: A tandem can be a great way to teach cycling techniques and road awareness, as the experienced pilot takes control and can give instructions.

    What should you consider when buying a tandem bike?

    Communication is key when riding a tandem. Pilot and stoker must constantly talk to each other to coordinate maneuvers, acceleration or braking, making the riding experience safe and enjoyable.

    Choosing the size of the tandem is crucial to ensure that both riders can sit comfortably. There should be enough space between the pilot and stoker to be able to pedal efficiently without getting in the way of each other.

    The weight ratio and strength of both riders should be taken into account. Although the stoker does not have to steer, his pedaling power is crucial to the speed of the tandem. A good balance between the riders can greatly improve the riding experience.

    Advantages and disadvantages of tandems:


    • Promotes teamwork and improves communication between drivers.
    • Allows cyclists of different abilities to ride together.
    • Provides an efficient way to achieve higher speeds.


    • Requires a certain amount of time to get used to in order to optimize coordination between drivers.
    • Can be more difficult to transport and store than a single wheel due to its length.
    • The purchase costs can be higher than for two separate bicycles.

    Tandem alternatives

    • Electric Tandem: Provides assistance while pedaling and is ideal for couples with significantly different fitness levels.
    • Three or four-seater bikes: For families or groups who want to experience cycling together.
    • Tag-Along Bikes: A good choice for parents who want to ride with younger children who are not yet ready for their own bike.

    Tips and Tricks for Tandem

    • Start with short rides to improve communication and coordination between riders.
    • Make sure both brakes are working well, as tandems can have a longer stopping distance due to their higher weight.
    • Use helmets and protective clothing to ensure the safety of both riders.
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