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Shaft stem

What is the stem?

The quill stem is an important part of a bicycle's steering system. It affects the rider's seating position and the bicycle's steering behavior. A longer quill stem results in a more stretched-out seating position, while a shorter quill stem enables a more upright seating position. A steeper angle of the quill stem results in faster steering behavior, while a flatter angle results in more stable steering behavior.

There are different types of quill stems, such as threaded stems that screw directly into the head tube, or ahead stems that sit on top of the head tube and are secured with clamping screws. It is important to choose the right quill stem for your bike frame and handlebars to ensure a safe and comfortable ride.

Overall, the stem is an important part of a bicycle's steering system and an adjustment option for an ergonomically optimized seating position and better handling of the bicycle.

The quill stem is a type of stem that extends vertically upwards from the head tube and has a clamp at the top to hold the handlebars. The quill stem can be made in different lengths and angles to adjust the rider's seating position and affect the bike's steering behavior. By changing the quill stem, the height and reach of the handlebars can also be adjusted.

How do I find the right stem?

There are several factors to consider when choosing the right stem:

  • Handlebar: The stem must fit the handlebar diameter to ensure a safe and stable connection.
  • Stem Diameter: The stem must also match the stem diameter of the bike frame. Most bikes have a standard stem diameter of either 1 inch (25.4 mm) or 1 1/8 inch (28.6 mm).
  • Length: The length of the quill stem can affect the seating position and steering behavior. A longer quill stem leads to a more stretched seating position, while a shorter quill stem allows for a more upright seating position.
  • Angle: The angle of the stem can also affect the steering response. A steeper angle results in faster steering response, while a flatter angle results in more stable steering response.
  • Material: Quill stems can be made from different materials, such as aluminum or carbon. The material can affect the weight, stiffness and durability.

advantages and disadvantages


  • Improved ergonomics and comfort through adjustment of the driving position.
  • Increased control and steering precision.
  • Possibility to optimize the driving experience through different materials.


  • An incorrect selection or adjustment can lead to discomfort or pain.
  • The selection of stems can be overwhelming, making decision making difficult.

Alternatives to the stem

  • Ahead stem: Provides a more direct connection between the handlebars and fork and is particularly popular on mountain bikes and road bikes.
  • Adjustable stem: Allows flexible adjustment of the angle, ideal for riders who want to change their seating position frequently.
  • Integrated stem: Offers a clean and aerodynamic solution where the stem and handlebars form a single unit.

Tips and Tricks:

  • If you are looking for a more comfortable riding position, consider a quill stem with a higher angle.
  • For a sportier and more aerodynamic position, choose a longer and flatter stem.
  • Make sure that all screws are tightened to ensure a secure connection between the stem, handlebars and fork.
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