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Pressfit bearings

Pressfit bearings are also very common in bicycle construction and are often used as bottom bracket bearings . Unlike conventional threaded bottom brackets, Pressfit bearings do not have threaded bushings and are instead pressed directly into the bottom bracket shell of the frame.

Different types of pressfit bearings

Pressfit bearings for bicycles come in different sizes and standards supported by different manufacturers. One of the most popular standards is the PF30 standard, which uses a bottom bracket shell with a diameter of 46 mm and a width of 68 mm.

There are also other standards such as BB30, BB86 and BB90 that are supported by various bicycle manufacturers and component manufacturers.

Advantages and disadvantages of pressfit bearings

Pressfit bearings have several advantages, which is why they are so popular in bicycle construction:

  • One advantage of pressfit bearings in bicycle construction is that they are usually lighter than conventional threaded bearings.
  • Since they do not require threaded bushings, they can also be used in frames with thinner tube walls, which can result in a lighter and stiffer frame .

However, pressfit bearings can also have some disadvantages in bicycle construction:

  • Improper installation can cause the bearing to not seat properly or to become loose, which may result in squeaking noises or vibrations .
  • In addition, pressfit bearings can be more sensitive to contamination than threaded bearings because they have no seal against dirt and moisture.

Overall, pressfit bearings are a popular option for bottom brackets in bicycle construction as they offer a lightweight and stiff solution. However, it is important to ensure they are installed correctly and precisely to ensure optimal performance and durability.

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