The pedal is a component of a bicycle and is used to transfer the cyclist's pedaling power to the bicycle. The pedal is located at the end of the cranks, which are connected to the bottom bracket. The cyclist puts his feet on the pedals and pedals to get the bicycle moving.
There are different types of pedals, including:
Platform pedals : These are simple, flat pedals that allow the cyclist to ride with regular shoes or sneakers. They are commonly found on city bikes and mountain bikes .
Clipless pedals : These pedals require special cycling shoes with matching cleats that are clipped into the pedals. This allows for more efficient power transfer and better control of the bike, especially on road bikes and mountain bikes.
Combination pedals: These pedals offer a platform on one side for regular shoes and a binding for cycling shoes on the other side. This allows the cyclist to choose between different shoe options.
The choice of pedals depends on the cyclist's personal preferences, riding style and the intended use of the bike. Some cyclists prefer the flexibility of platform pedals, while others prefer the efficient power transfer of clipless pedals, especially in sporting activities such as road cycling or mountain biking.
Die Fahrradkette ist das Herzstück deines Bikes. Sie überträgt die Kraft von deinen Beinen auf die Straße oder den Trail. Eine saubere Kette läuft nicht nur leiser und geschmeidiger, sondern erhöht auch die Lebensdauer von Kette, Ritzeln und Kettenblättern.
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