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Hub motor

An e-bike hub motor, also known as a front hub motor, is a type of electric motor mounted in the hub of the front wheel of an e-bike. This motor is used to give the rider additional assistance when pedaling and to increase the range of the bike.

What is a hub motor?

A hub motor is an electric motor that is built into the hub of the wheel. There are two types of hub motors: the so-called direct drives and the freewheel hubs. Direct drives work directly on the wheel and have no gear ratio, while the freewheel hubs work via a gear ratio and allow pedaling without assistance. One advantage of hub motors is that they are compact and lightweight and do not affect the appearance of the bike.

How does a hub motor work?

A hub motor works by taking power from the e-bike's battery and converting it into kinetic energy. This is done by using permanent magnets and an electronic control unit that regulates the motor's power. The motor is controlled via a handlebar grip or display to set the desired level of assistance or speed.

Advantages of hub motors

An e-bike with a hub motor has several advantages over other types of e-bike motors. Some of these are:

  • Hub motors are usually smaller and lighter than other types of motors, making the bike lighter and easier to handle.
  • Hub motors have fewer moving parts than other types of motors, making them less maintenance-intensive.
  • Hub motors do not affect the appearance of the bike because they are mounted in the hub of the wheel.

Disadvantages of hub motors

  • Hub motors typically have less power than other types of motors, making them less suitable for steeper climbs or faster speeds.
  • Hub motors are more susceptible to wear.


  • Bottom bracket motor: Provides central weight distribution and a more natural cycling experience.
  • Mid-engine: Also located centrally, but often offers higher performance than the bottom bracket motor.
  • Foldable e-bikes: A good alternative for commuters looking for an easily transportable electric bike.

Tips and Tricks

  • Test different support levels to find the ideal setting for your needs.
  • Make sure to perform regular maintenance to extend the life of your hub motor.
  • Check your country's laws regarding electric bikes to make sure your hub motor bike complies with regulations.
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