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Hollow chamber rim

What is a hollow chamber rim ?

A hollow section rim is a special type of bicycle rim that consists of two shells joined together to form a cavity. The outer shell forms the outer edge of the rim, while the inner shell forms the cavity in which the tire and tube sit. The cavity is structured by webs, reinforcements and spoke holes.

By using two shells instead of a single rim shell, the weight of the rim is reduced without compromising stiffness and strength. The hollow chamber construction can also help reduce rim twist at higher speeds, resulting in a more stable and reliable ride.

Double wall rims are typically made from aluminum or carbon and come in a variety of sizes and widths to suit different bike types and needs. They are commonly used in road bikes, touring bikes, and mountain bikes.

Advantages and disadvantages of hollow chamber rims

Advantages of hollow chamber rims:

  • By using two shells instead of a single rim shell, weight is reduced without compromising stiffness and strength.
  • The hollow chamber construction can help reduce rim twisting at higher speeds, resulting in a more stable and reliable ride.
  • The design allows tubes and tires to be better protected, which reduces the risk of punctures.
  • Hollow chamber rims generally have better braking performance because they are stiffer and more resistant to stress.

Disadvantages of hollow chamber rims:

  • Hollow chamber rims are usually more expensive than simple rims because they are more complex to manufacture.
  • If a hollow chamber rim is damaged, it is often more difficult and sometimes impossible to repair because the construction is more complex than with simple rims.
  • More difficult repair: If a hollow chamber rim is damaged, the repair is more complex because the rim has to be dismantled to repair the damage.
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