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Rear wheel motor e-bike

What is the e-bike rear wheel motor?

An e-bike rear wheel motor is an electric motor that is mounted in the rear wheel of a bicycle. This type of motor is mainly used in pedelecs, i.e. bicycles with electric motor support.

The rear wheel motor supports the rider when pedaling, making it easier to move. By integrating the motor into the rear wheel, the handling of the bike remains largely unchanged, as the center of gravity of the bike is not affected. The weight of the motor is also well distributed, which ensures safe and stable handling.

The power of an e-bike rear wheel motor varies depending on the model and can be between 250 and 750 watts. Some models are also equipped with controls such as pedal assistance levels or a speed limit. E-bike rear wheel motors are a popular choice among e-bike riders because they offer unobtrusive and effective support when pedaling. They are particularly suitable for longer distances and inclines and make it possible to move the bike even without muscle power.

What are the advantages of an e-bike rear wheel motor?

  • One advantage of a rear wheel motor is that it is generally low maintenance and reliable. Since it is connected directly to the bike tire, the life of the tire is also extended.
  • The rear wheel motor hardly affects the handling of the bike because the center of gravity of the bike is not affected.
  • The weight of the engine is well distributed, which ensures safe and stable driving behavior.
  • An e-bike rear wheel motor makes it easier to move, especially on longer distances and uphill slopes.
  • Some models are equipped with controls such as pedal assistance levels or a speed limit to increase safety.
  • Rear wheel motors are generally low-maintenance and reliable.
  • Unobtrusive and effective support when pedaling. Directly connected to the bicycle tire, the life of the tire is also extended.

What are the disadvantages of a rear wheel motor?

  • Some models are heavier than other types of e-bike motors.
  • If the motor fails, it can be difficult to repair or replace because it is mounted in the rear wheel.
  • Some users report that engine performance may be affected in bad weather or on muddy roads.
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