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Rear engine e-bike

How does an e-bike rear motor work?

A rear motor on an e-bike works by transferring the power of the electric motor directly to the rear axle of the bike. This is usually done through the use of a belt or chain drive. The motor is usually placed in a housing near the rear wheel hub. This drive mechanism has both advantages and disadvantages compared to other types of electric motors that can be used in e-bikes.

Advantages of e-bike rear motors

  • Since the motor is placed in the rear axle, it can balance the weight distribution of the bike and thereby enable better handling and control.
  • The space required in the bike frame for the battery and other components can be reduced because the motor is placed in the rear axle.
  • A rear engine may be able to produce higher horsepower, allowing for faster speeds and better acceleration.

Disadvantages of e-bike rear motors

  • A rear motor can make the bike heavier and more difficult to handle, especially if damage occurs to the motor or drive.
  • The motor and drivetrain in the rear of the bike can be more difficult to check and maintain.
  • A rear motor can typically be more expensive than other types of electric motors and maintenance and repairs can also be more expensive.

An e-bike rear motor can be a good choice for people who value balanced weight distribution and higher performance. However, the potential disadvantages, especially the higher cost and the difficulty of maintenance and repair, should be considered before making a decision.

Differences to other e-bike motors

The main difference between a rear motor e-bike and other types of e-bike motors is where the motor is positioned. A rear motor is mounted in the back of the bike, while other motors are placed in the middle of the bike (mid-motor) or in the hub of the front wheel (front hub motor).

An e-bike with a rear motor usually offers higher performance and a longer range than e-bikes with other motors. A rear motor also allows for better weight distribution and greater stability of the bike, as the weight of the motor and battery is not on the front of the bike.

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