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Bicycle tube

What is a bicycle tube?

A bicycle tube is a hollow, elastic rubber part that serves to maintain the air pressure in a bicycle tire. It is an essential component of any air-filled bicycle tire and allows the bicycle to be ridden safely and comfortably.

The bicycle tube is usually made of natural or synthetic rubber and comes in different sizes and styles to accommodate different tire sizes and types. It has a valve (e.g. a French valve ) at one end that allows air to be pumped into the tube and the tire to be inflated to the desired pressure. There are several different types of valves, including the Schrader valve, the Presta valve and the Dunlop valve, each with specific requirements and uses.

The bicycle tube is installed in the tire and ensures that the tire retains its shape and can absorb shocks and bumps on the road. It also serves to keep the bike stable on the ground and ensure a secure grip. Since bicycle tubes are constantly exposed to pressure and possible external influences such as broken glass, nails or sharp edges, punctures can occur that require repair or replacement of the tube.

Tip: In the MYVELO shop you can also find tubes and suitable accessories .

Overall, the bicycle tube is a fundamental component of many bicycles with air-filled tires and plays a crucial role in the performance, comfort and safety of cycling. In addition to bikes with bicycle tubes, there are also tubeless tires.

What functions does a bicycle tube have?

  • The main purpose of a bicycle tube is to hold air and thus pressurize the bicycle tire. This allows for a smooth ride over various surfaces and provides comfort and stability to the rider.
  • Another important aspect is the absorption of shocks and vibrations. The bicycle tube helps to dampen bumps in the road, making for a more comfortable ride and reducing the strain on the rider.
  • In addition, a well-maintained bicycle tube protects against sudden flat tires. The even distribution of air pressure reduces the risk of a tire bursting.

What should you pay attention to when buying a bicycle tube?

  • Choosing the right size and type of tire is crucial. An ill-fitting bicycle tube can lead to problems such as uneven wear, increased risk of punctures and poor handling characteristics.
  • The air pressure in the bicycle tube should be checked regularly and adjusted to the road conditions and your personal riding style. Too low or too high pressure can significantly affect the riding characteristics.
  • The installation and maintenance of a bicycle tube requires care. Incorrect installation or neglect can lead to premature wear or damage.


  • Tubeless tires: Offer greater puncture resistance and allow you to ride with lower air pressure for improved grip.
  • Self-healing bicycle tubes: Contain a special sealing fluid that immediately seals small punctures.
  • Solid tires: Solid rubber tires that do not need to be inflated and are completely puncture-proof, but with limitations in driving comfort.

Tips and Tricks

  • Check the air pressure regularly to ensure optimal driving characteristics and low wear.
  • Always carry a spare tube and assembly tools with you on longer rides.
  • Learn how to change a bicycle tube yourself so you can act quickly in the event of a puncture.
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