Chainsuck (also known as chain jams or chain snags) is a technical problem that can occur on bicycles. It occurs when the bicycle chain gets stuck between the chainring and the bottom bracket shell and does not release on its own.
Causes and problems with chainsuck
Causes of chainsuck can include a worn or improperly adjusted chain, worn chainrings, or improper gear shifting. If the chain gets stuck between the chainring and the bottom bracket shell, it can cause damage to the chain, chainrings, and crank. In addition , chainsuck can cause the bike to stop suddenly , which can be dangerous, especially at higher speeds.
Dealing with Chainsuck
To avoid chainsuck, bicycle chains should be checked regularly for wear and replaced if necessary. Correct gear adjustment and regular maintenance of the crank and chainrings can also help to minimize the risk of chainsuck.
If chainsuck does occur, you can try to gently loosen the chain by hand by turning the bike upside down or turning the crank in the opposite direction. If this doesn't work, it's best to take the bike to a workshop to fix the problem.
Overall, chainsuck is an annoying and potentially dangerous problem that cyclists should keep an eye on to avoid accidents and ensure the long life of their equipment.
Die Fahrradkette ist das Herzstück deines Bikes. Sie überträgt die Kraft von deinen Beinen auf die Straße oder den Trail. Eine saubere Kette läuft nicht nur leiser und geschmeidiger, sondern erhöht auch die Lebensdauer von Kette, Ritzeln und Kettenblättern.
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