A Bafang e-bike mid-motor is an electric motor specifically designed for use in e-bikes and is located in the middle of the bike, in the bottom bracket region. Bafang, a leading Chinese manufacturer of e-bike drive systems, offers several models of mid-motors that are known for their power and efficiency. Here are some key features of a Bafang e-bike mid-motor:
Placement: The motor is mounted centrally in the bottom bracket area. This ensures even weight distribution and improves the handling and balance of the bike.
Power: Bafang mid-engines are available in different power levels, typically between 250 watts and 1000 watts. This variety makes it possible to meet different needs and legal requirements in different countries.
Torque: A major advantage of mid-engines is the high torque they offer. This provides powerful support, especially when starting and riding up steep inclines. Some Bafang models offer torques of up to 160 Nm (Newton meters).
Efficiency: Mid-engines use the bicycle transmission to efficiently transfer the engine power. This allows for better use of the engine power and can increase the range of the e-bike.
Assistance modes: Bafang mid-engines offer several levels of assistance to help the rider reduce effort as needed. There is also often a push assist to make pushing the bike easier.
Battery integration: These motors are compatible with various battery options, often integrated into the frame or attached to the frame. The positioning of the battery contributes to the balance and aesthetics of the bike.
Speed and range: The maximum speed and range depend on the motor power, battery capacity and driving conditions. A typical Bafang mid-motor can reach speeds of up to 25-45 km/h (depending on the model and legal regulations) and offer ranges of 50 to over 150 kilometers.
User controls: Control is via a display on the handlebars that shows information such as speed, battery level, support level and often navigation data. Some models also offer advanced features such as Bluetooth connectivity and app integration.
Noise level: Bafang mid-engines are known for their quiet operation, which contributes to a pleasant riding experience.
A Bafang e-bike mid-motor is an excellent choice for e-bike enthusiasts who are looking for powerful, efficient and well-balanced assistance while riding.
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